We are a little disappointed that our $25,000 goal was not attained but we will once again aim for that goal this year. Many other KY-IN Walks also attribute their lower than usual donations to the recession. Seven churches raised approx. 70% of our total contributions -- $16,519. (Last year, $19,022.)

Our 'new' friends this past year were Woodland Christian Church, Lex., Midway Presbyterian Church and an EKU student group. Special recognition to 1st Christian Church, Winchester for increasing their total contributions this year by nearly 230% ! from 2008, Meadowthorpe Presbyterian, Lex. - 106% increase and Chapel Hill Presbyterian, Lex. - 104%. THANK YOU!
Abundant Thanks to my dedicated team, Alice, Suzi, Beth and Ron and all volunteers! Cheers to our creative youth and adults from Crestwood Christian, Unitarian Universalist, Central Christian, 1st Presbyterian and 2nd Presbyterian churches for their interesting educational stations that focused on local/global hunger, poverty, clean water and environmental concerns. My Thanks to our photographers Sonny and Dwight and to Dwight, our BLOG moderator. It is my joy and honor to work with all of you :)
It was fun to share the excitement with many of you when we read the wonderful piece about our Walk in the Lex. Herald Leader the following morning ... pictures too! Hopefully, this will encourage more groups to join us this year. I will let all recruiters know when the April organizational meeting with Rev. Judy Dunson, regional director from Indianapolis, will be held here in Lex, hopefully at 2nd Presbyterian.

As faithful servants, may we all continue to support the mission and ministry of CWS (Church World Service) and God's Pantry thru out the year. We are well aware that the needs of our sisters and brothers have drastically increased the past year and especially now with the horrific earthquake in Haiti !!
Looking forward to working with all of you this coming year beginning with the April organizational meeting :) Keep in touch.
Blessings, Joy, Peace and Love,
Judy Ellis
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