Dear Friends,
As I reflect on my many blessings this Thanksgiving, once again,
I Give Thanks to each one of you that participated in another successful CROP Hunger Walk.
We estimate
about 260 people - and a few 'walkers at large' - representing
25 diverse congregations in the Greater Lexington area walked together Sept. 28, 2008, to take a stand against hunger and poverty in our communities and the world. As of Dec. 1,
we have raised $18,196 :) .... last year, $17,545.

We were delighted to witness more local pastors Walking with their members, 4 'new' churches that joined this year -Versailles Presbyterian, Crestwood Christian, Meadowthorpe Presbyterian and Lexington Friends Meeting, a significant increase in friends and families donating on-line (
this option still available :), and another warm, sunny day to promote our mission!

Abundant THANKS to my dedicated team, Alice, Suzi, Beth, Ron and Bobbie and to each one of the Recruiters for your willingness to invest time and energy to promote the Walk.

Special recognition to the Youth and their leaders :) from Chapel Hill Pres., Unitarian Universalist and Beaumont Pres. for their creative, educational 'station' presentations! Personal Thanks to Dwight, our BLOG moderator, Sonny, our talented photographer, and ALL the volunteers that assisted Walk Day. It is my honor to 'work' with all of you!
The 2009 Walk will be Sunday, Sept. 27.
Mark your calendar's now :) I will be in touch with all of you mid July. Recruiter's Rally will be held early Aug. My team and I do appreciate any suggestions as to how we can increase participation, encourage other churches and groups to join, etc. Please share your thoughts and ideas via sending me an e-mail ... and list any church or group that you may be able to recruit before next summer. I will f/u w/call.
As faithful servants, may we all continue supporting the misson of
God's Pantry and ministry of
Church World Service. Many opportunities are listed on their web sites.
Gratitude, Joy and Blessings to each one of you.
Judy E.
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