We are called to Walk in solidarity with ALL our brothers and sisters suffering with hunger and poverty....and YES, WE HEAR!
Once again, my team and I send this open invitation to all concerned citizens to WALK with your neighbors on SUNDAY, SEPT. 25th.
We will gather at Second Presbyterian Church (corner E. Main/Ransom Sts.) at 3:00 PM to register (no fee). The 3 mile EXPERIENTIAL Walk includes the historic East End, Constitution, MLK and E. Maxwell districts starts at 3:30PM.
"Ending Hunger One Step at a Time" T-shirts will sold for $10.00. The profits also benefit God's Pantry and Church World Service.
We will share a responsive CROP (Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty) litany just before we walk together. Bring a can of food for God's Pantry, a water bottle to be refilled at the half-way point water station, and BRING at least one FRIEND! More info. listed in my Aug. blog entry below :)
Copies of the Walk route will be available upon your arrival. I do ask that everyone CROSS AT THE MARKED INTERSECTIONS. NO JAYWALKING. Volunteer crossing guards will be located at the busy intersections to assist with your safe crossing.
I will also ask Metro Police to assist at the E. Main/Vine St. crossing. You will also see them 'drive-by.'
NO roller skates, bicycles, scooters, skate boards will be allowed. Of course, wagons, strollers and wheelchairs are OK :)
I am looking forward to meeting and Walking (rain or shine:) with all of you SUN. 25th.
With Gratitude to each one of you for caring to make a difference,
Judy E. - Greater Lex. CROP Hunger Walk coordinator
Once again, my team and I send this open invitation to all concerned citizens to WALK with your neighbors on SUNDAY, SEPT. 25th.
"Ending Hunger One Step at a Time" T-shirts will sold for $10.00. The profits also benefit God's Pantry and Church World Service.
We will share a responsive CROP (Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty) litany just before we walk together. Bring a can of food for God's Pantry, a water bottle to be refilled at the half-way point water station, and BRING at least one FRIEND! More info. listed in my Aug. blog entry below :)
NO roller skates, bicycles, scooters, skate boards will be allowed. Of course, wagons, strollers and wheelchairs are OK :)
I am looking forward to meeting and Walking (rain or shine:) with all of you SUN. 25th.
With Gratitude to each one of you for caring to make a difference,
Judy E. - Greater Lex. CROP Hunger Walk coordinator
The 2011 Route:
View CROP Walk Route 2011 in a larger map