"Never doubt that small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has." -- Margaret Mead
The 'new' Walk route through one of our city's impoverished areas serviced by God's Pantry definitely was experiential for many of the Walkers. I visited with some of the residents a couple weeks prior to our Walk, not only to deliver 'Ending Hunger One Step at a Time' posters, but to invite them to join us. It was heartwarming to witness many neighbors greet us from their porches, small front yards, or standing on the sidewalk or street. Communal indeed when a few of our sisters and brothers walked with us!
TO date, we have raised $21,748!! ..... $160.00 more than last year. BUT!! I'm personally hopeful that our Walk will receive on-line THANKSGIVING and CHRISTMAS gifts. I've requested this from my family, how about each one of you??

Kudos also to Stacey Stone, Unitarian Universalist Church, for successfully coordinating the experiential educational stations presented by God's Pantry, Woodland Christian, 1st Christian (Winchester), 2nd Presbyterian, and two stations from UUC.
Do know that I will contact each one of you again early next summer :) In the meantime continue to support Church World Service and God's Pantry and begin recruiting other churches and organizations in your communities and neighborhoods to join us next year. I will gladly follow-up once you 'tag' them :)
SEPTEMBER 30th, 2012 ---- WALK
AUG. 21st or AUG. 23rd ---- RECRUITER'S RALLY
(CWS Regional Director, John Dolon already invited to join us.)
Thanks Again!
Joyful Thanksgiving Blessings to Each one of You and Your Family,
Judy Ellis