Our faith in action is challenged during this worldwide economic crises which calls us to a new level of committment. For it is possible to truly have enough for all if we reach out and share the burden of those in need. Hunger and poverty ARE moral issues. For us, material abundance and safety come with responsibility toward those who have little or nothing.
Therefore our goal this year is 425+ Walkers raising $25,000 :) God's Pantry receives 25% of which they can distribute $10 worth food for every 1 dollar donation. Church World Service receives 75% for global hunger needs and other international relief programs.
Registration, NO fee, begins 3 pm SUNDAY, SEPT. 27 at Second Presbyterian Church, E. Main St. in Lexington. The interfaith, experiential 2.4 mile Walk downtown begins 3:20 pm. EVERYONE is welcomed! CROP Hunger Walk tee shirts will be available for sale -- 15$.
Donations are being accepted on line now at: http://www.cropwalkonline.org/.
Please review http://www.churchworldservice.org/ for more info about the CROP Hunger Walks
....and we can certainly do more together than we can alone in this fight against hunger and poverty! See you the 27th!
Judy Ellis, coordinator.